Adventures in Photography - MAP

Thanks to photography , I'm able to enter different circles , groups, organizations , affairs , families even.
Today I was on a volunteer assignment, Took pictures of donors and the board members. I even had the chance to take a picture with Don Jaime Ayala, one of the richest guys around... Fafa sya hehehe. Yayain ko sana sya sa Saguijo eh, baka gusto nya manood ng Sugar Free. Sabihin ko sana sa kanya "pre! Don J! kitakits sa friday anniv ng Guijo!" , I imagine he would reply "Bien Bien! Miscall kita pag malapit nako, hindi ko nga na alam ang magapunta sa mga club na iyan". Wala lang.
We covered the programme after, It turns out it was a membership meeting for MAP(Managers Association of the Philippines) . Its like an organization for Top Executives of top companies, heck our own company president wasn't even there. I guess it was like the creme de la creme of Chairman's and company presidents. More than half of the countries economy was probably decided by those guys..and there I was covering the event . I didnt wake up this morning and thought I would end up there. It was like, 95% of the population would never have had the chance to be in that event and there I was by chance just walking around the whole function shooting pictures. Pretty cool. I wonder where I would end up next.
shux! akala ko professional models association of the philippines! hindi nagload agad ang pic hehe..
Anonymous, at 11:48 AM
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