L'oreal Color Trophy

Grabe, until now I'm amazed of the places where my photography has taken me. Before I thought it would be just parties, weddings and landscapes. I am amazed of the places I end up in.
May 15 , a friend of mine asked to cover the event their group was competing in. My Friend, Angelo who I met at a photo workshop, owns an upscale Hair Salon in Las Pinas. 2 Of his hairdressers entries made it to the finals. I was running late cause of traffic so I didnt get a chance to change into something more casual, I had no idea what the event was. Turns out, parang The Big thing in hairdressing yung event. If I got it right the event happens every 2 years like the Hairdressing Olympics of the Philippines and all the bignames Salons where there.
Everyone was garbed in great retro outfits, its was the place to be for hairstylists. Well I think I got more than I bargained for. I was shooting with some of the top event photographers and all the equipment I had was the new lens and flash I bought from ebay. Anyway I think I pulled off a few decent shots. I was really at awe at the event, and best thing is that my friend one , both entries won, so I ended up with the exclusive shots of the winners. Cool. Since I am an IT person I had absolutely no idea who the guys around me where, I must have been taking pictures of fashion demi-gods and I had no idea. If I had a friend whose in to these things, that friend would have been swooning to get in, and there I was, just walked in took pictures. Parang, super big deal sa nakakaalam.. habang ako.. basta parang naligaw na lang don at front row seats pa... I guess add this one to the trivial / odd staff that has happened to me.
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